
What is Classical Guitar? What is the Structure of Classical Guitar? What to Play with Classical Guitar

classical guitar

What is Classical Guitar? The classical guitar is a stringed instrument with an eight-shaped body, using at least six strings, and having a soft timbre due to the structure of the strings. It is usually played with the fingers.

The origin of guitar-like instruments dates back to the years before Christ, at least it can be said that string instruments were used at that time. We can say that the main developments regarding the guitar started from the 16th century. At that time, there were guitar-like 4-string instruments. Towards the end of the 16th century, the 5th string was added to the 4-string guitar, and it became the Spanish Guitar. At the end of the 18th century, the guitar, with the 6th string added, began to be played with the current tuning system. The classical guitar gained its current form in 1860 thanks to Antonio TORRES. The instrument we now call the classical guitar was called the TORRES Guitar.

What I have written so far is just a very short explanation. In the process from the 16th century to the Torres guitar, there were other instruments similar to the guitar that enabled the guitar to become what it is today. Renaissance guitar, vihuela, baroque guitar, lute etc. The guitar was an instrument used for solo and accompaniment purposes, as it is now.

The foreign equivalent of the word lute is the word “lute”. Even the masters who make and repair instruments are called “luthiers”. The word lute is based on the Arabic word “al-ud”. There is a form of music called prelude, maybe you’ve heard of it. It is used to mean intro music. The meaning of the word is “before lud”. How is it not that many things are interconnected in music?

Classical Guitar

Classical Guitar Below is the classical guitar used today. Classical guitars usually have 6 strings, but there are also classical guitars with 8 and 10 strings.

classical guitar

Classical Guitar Parts

classical guitar part

The most important part of the classical guitar is the front part called the soundboard. This part is most often made of spruce or cedarwood. The neck of the guitar can be rosewood or ebony on the front and maple or oak on the back. In the images below you can see the inside of the soundboard.

classical guitar front inside

The videos below can give you an idea of how to use the classical guitar. The classical guitar has many uses, as in other types of guitars. Especially when it comes to accompanying songs. If you want to play chords and sing on top of it, the classical guitar will come in handy.

Stock photo:
Gustavo Borges
link: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-acoustic-guitar-on-floor-near-wall-insider-room-1995803/

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