
What is an Acoustic Guitar? How to Play?

what is acoutic guitar?

An acoustic guitar is a type of guitar that resembles classical guitar in form but differs from the classical guitar in terms of sound and playing. The biggest difference comes from the wires. The strings of the acoustic guitar are made entirely of metal, so they have a metallic timbre. The acoustic guitar is mostly played with picks. So, are these enough for a guitar to be an acoustic guitar? Here it is necessary to resolve a conceptual confusion.

Acoustic; It is the science that studies sound, so we can say “sound science”. When we say acoustic guitar, we are talking about guitars that produce sound naturally, without the need for any electrical apparatus. So actually the classical guitar is also an acoustic guitar. In fact, the correct nomenclature should be as follows and it is named in the same way in foreign sources.

acoustic guitar
Classical guitar: Nylon string guitar
Acoustic guitar: Steel-string guitar

This is how it got its name because classical music is usually played with the classical guitar. Why might the acoustic guitar be given this name? I guess it’s because the steel strings provide a nicer resonance. The most correct equivalent of the word acoustic is “echo science”. Acoustic science mostly studies the reverberation of sound and its reflection after it hits a surface.

Acoustic guitar consists of 6 strings as standard. There are also 12-string acoustic guitars. The 12-string acoustic guitar has double strings tuned to the same sound, with a fuller and stronger sound. It is generally used when playing rhythm.

Thanks to the videos below, we will better understand what can be played with an acoustic guitar. Although the videos below are mostly blues, the acoustic guitar has a wide range of uses, keep in mind.

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