
Pro Audio Equipment and System

What are Professional Audio System Components?

Professional sound systems are systems formed by the combination of multi-piece products. The harmony of professional audio system components directly contributes to the quality of the sound and the performance of the system. Using parts that support each other will enable you to obtain higher quality products with less cost. The main unit is the starting point and the brain of professional audio systems. The main unit, which has connection tools such as DVD and USB memory, differs according to its sound characteristics. The part that transfers the strength and quality of the signal received from the unit to the speaker is called an amplifier. Amplifiers are divided into mono and multi-channel.

Points to Consider When Buying Main Unit and Amplifier

The main unit forms the starting point of the sound system. For this, the appropriate selection should be made for the amps and speakers. While choosing the main unit, it should be paid attention whether there is a signal processor or not. Otherwise, the sound system should be supported with an extra audio signal processor. If the main unit amp is used, care should also be taken when the output voltage and how many outputs it has. In addition, if devices such as USB, Ipod will be used, their inputs and outputs should be checked.

The amplifiers work in serious harmony with the speaker. The power of the amplifier and the speaker must match. If the power of the speaker is stronger than the amplifiers, there will be incompatibility between the professional audio system components. Professional systems use two amplifiers, many channels and one mono.

Speaker and Speaker Types

Loudspeakers are at the forefront of the most basic parts of professional audio systems components. Speakers that provide the output of sounds and form the end point of the sound system have many different types. The tweeter is called speakers that don’t deliver bass and deliver treble sounds to the outside. Midrange sounds and sounds composed of wind instruments are delivered to the outside via midrange speakers. Midrange speakers have the ability to play 200hz to 3khz sound range. Midpass speakers are suitable for mid-bass sound levels. The subwoofer extends the sound range from 20 to 80 hz. Subwoofer sizes affect the sound quality, the larger the size, the lower the sound quality. The power of the speaker should be supportive to the power of the amplifier.

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