
Jimi Hendrix’s Guitars, Amps, Effects Pedals, Gears

Jimi Hendrix’s Guitars, Amps, Effects Pedals, Gear

American guitarist, singer, songwriter and icon of a generation, who is shown as the greatest guitarist in the history of rock music. Hendrix, the headline of the Monterey Pop Festival and the legendary Woodstock Festival that deeply influenced a generation, was named the best guitarist of all time by Rock music magazine Rolling Stone in 2003.

Jimi Hendrix was born on 27 November 1942 in Seattle, U.S.A. The musician, whose birth name was Johnny Allen Hendrix, grew up with his mother as the youngest of the five children of a divorced parent. The only object that connected Hendrix to the world, who lost his mother when he was 16, was his guitar.

Hendrix, who acquired his first classical guitar when he was 14, met electric guitar thanks to his father Al Hendrix. The successful musician, who learned this guitar by himself, playing the second Supro Ozark guitar bought by his father, used rock & blues guitarists such as Elvis Presley and Chuck Berry as his idol in his youth.

After graduating from Washington Secondary School, Hendrix enrolled in Garfiled High School and continued his career as a musician, leaving this school in the midst of his students’ racist behavior and great importance to music.

Hendrix, who first started his music career with his friends at local bars and cafes, later took part in locally known groups such as The Velvetones and Rocking Kings. Hendrix, who was written to the American Army as a way of liberation when he got into trouble with the police in 1960 for car theft, put his head in trouble with his commanders because of his troubled behavior and constant sleep in the watch, and he left the army on 31 May 1962.

Hendrix, who moved to Tennessee with bass player Billy Cox, whom he met in the years when he served in the army, formed the group The Casuals together with Cox. Over time, the band, which took the name King Kasual, succeeded in gaining a successful place in the local music market. Hendrix, who entered the studios and concerts with Little Richard between 1964 and 1965, later described this period as “All I wanted was to be able to do with my guitar with the sound of Little Richard.”

In 1966, Hendrix, who met ex-Animals manager Michael Jeffery, founded his own group called The Jimi Hendrix Experience with his guidance. Famous for the release of the song Purple Haze, which he published with his band, in Avrulpa in a short time, Hendrix started the work of his first album Are You Experienced.

The first Jimi Hendrix album, Are You Experienced, was released in England on May 12, 1967, and it soon began to be sold in Canada and the USA, thanks to the positive reactions it received. The Beatles ’legendary album Sgt. After the Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, the album’s second-long album promotion tour included U.S., Canada and Avrulpa.

After Are You Experienced, Axis in 1967; Bold as Love and Hendrix, who published Electric Ladyland in 1968, were now the world’s best-known electric guitarist. On stage with Jim Morrison from The Doors, Blues is the king of music B.B. He held impromptu sessions with King.

Jimi Hendrix Experience broke up in 1969 as a result of some disagreements between group members. Hendrix, which was held on August 18, 1969 and was presented as the “Jimi Hendrix Experience” when it appeared as the headline to Woodstock, the biggest festival ever held with more than 500,000 participants, reminded the audience that their new name was “Gypsy Sun and Rainbows”. . Hendrix, who appeared on the last concert of the festival and staged a two-hour show that will not be forgotten to the audience throughout their lives, was followed by Woodstock. Staying for a while away from his scenes, he went on a big Avrulpa tour.

Jimi Hendrix died on September 18, 1970 in his hotel room in London. Hendrix, who died as a result of reacting with the drugs used by a high amount of alcohol, was found dead by his girlfriend. The artist, whose body was taken to Seattle, was buried in Greenwood Memorial Park, Renton, Washington.

Jimi Hendrix’s Guitars, Amps, Effects Pedals, Gear

Jimi Hendrix Guitar

Effect Pedals

Jimi Hendrix Guitar Effect Pedals


Jimi Hendrix Amps


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