
Best Left Handed Acoustic Guitars

best left handed acoustic guitar

What is the best left-handed acoustic guitar for beginners?

Ibanez Performance Series PF15 Left-Handed Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar Natural.
Takamine GD30LHNAT Left-Handed Dreadnought Acoustic Guitar.
Taylor GS Mini Mahogany-L GS Mini Acoustic Guitar.
Fender CD-60S Left-Handed Natural.

Do left handed guitars matter?

You don’t even necessarily need a left-handed guitar, as you can flip a right-handed guitar over and use it as a left-handed guitar. Just be aware that some guitars are designed asymmetrically, so if you play it upside down it might feel a little strange.



Shop our complete collection of the best left-handed acoustic guitars

If you have an amp, you can buy a left-handed acoustic-electric guitar.

Can you change a right handed guitar into a left handed guitar?

In most cases, a right-handed instrument can be easily converted to a left-handed instrument. In fact, on a classical guitar, the conversion may be as simple as restringing it. The saddles on classical guitars typically have no compensation angle, and the nylon strings are close enough in diameter that the nut slots are often wide enough to accommodate the strings in whichever order.

How much does a left handed guitar cost?

While the exact price of a left-handed electric guitar will vary greatly depending on brand, quality of construction, and more, a left-handed electric guitar can range in price from under $100 to many thousands of dollars.

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