9 Benetifs of Playing The Guitar

benefits of the guitar

In many cultures, playing an instrument means wasting a certain amount of time. With the most optimistic point of view, it is perceived as an indicator of creating a fun time period.

In some cultures, it is almost perceived as a craft.

Some cultures have seen music as one of the most important features that make people human. Therefore, they tried to encourage the training of instrumentalists.

While discussing the 9 issues that playing the guitar contributes to the individual below, we should say that many items are also valid for different instruments. Because the main thing is the music itself, instruments are just instruments as their names suggest.

By reading the items below, you will realize that some items can make your guitar studies more valuable while thinking about the topics that you can contribute or add to yourself while playing the guitar.

1. Activates Your Memory

Today’s technology allows people to monitor which parts of their brains they use more intensely during their activities.

Brain activity, conceptual artwork

The common point of intersection of these studies is that the brain activities of people playing instruments occur simultaneously in different regions.

It shows that many regions of the brains of people who play instruments work simultaneously, especially the regions responsible for sensation, touching, seeing, analytical calculations, and motor movement skills.

In order to activate your brain, the studies you will perform on an instrument that has both horizontal and vertical functions, such as the guitar, will be a trigger for you to use your brain in a versatile way.

2. Strengthens your hands and wrists

Regular guitar practice will improve motor movement skills, left and right-hand coordination. This will enable you to be successful above the average in many subjects that you encounter in your life and that require manual dexterity.

For example, we know that some surgeons who practice the guitar with us get advice from their teachers that they can improve their hand and finger skills by playing a stringed or keyed instrument.

At the same time, instrument studies in the childhood stage of development have a very important place in the development of psychomotor skills. You should know that there is a consensus of many experts on this issue.

3. Increases Concentration

The quality of focusing skill during guitar practice is one of the most important elements that will enable you to quickly overcome new techniques and difficulties that may arise.

Because playing the guitar requires concentration, it quiets thoughts, calms the mind, and helps us experience how we live in the moment. Music, by its nature, is a phenomenon that occurs in the “moment”. Guitar studies are very effective in keeping us in the “moment” regularly in order to reveal the music.

With regular guitar studies, you will notice that your focusing capacity increases day by day and that you can focus above average on other activities in your life.

4. Builds Regular Working Habits

If you want to be successful in any instrument, the importance of regular work should be recognized immediately. Otherwise, every time the instrument is interrupted, it will be necessary to start the process again and the desired result will not be obtained.

When it comes to a complex instrument like the guitar, which operates with both a vertical and horizontal system and incorporates many techniques, the importance of regular practice increases even more.

If one wants to advance on the guitar, since it is inevitable to work regularly, people who play the guitar will develop the habit of working regularly and the ability to complete the work they have started at many points in their lives.

It enables especially young children to gain regular working habits throughout their lives. In this case, it will be very helpful in increasing success in one’s life.

5. Improves Analytical Thinking Ability

The music learning process requires not only auditory skills but also mathematical thinking skills.

These skills, which will develop when playing any instrument, become more intense and complicated when it comes to the guitar.
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Because the guitar, by its nature, is an instrument that has both horizontal and vertical operation. Because of this feature of the guitar, a note has more than one place. Therefore, on the guitar, we can play a musical phrase or structure in different positions.

This situation requires comparison and selection between multiple positions and patterns during the deciphering of guitar music. This feature of the guitar can make your music and harmony studies more intense and enjoyable than other instruments. Every new study will support analytical thinking by creating new connections.

6. Enhances the Ability to Do Collective Work

Music is a phenomenon that has the power to affect thousands of people in a similar way as it is effective in the personal areas of individuals. We can easily see this power of music in performances where a single instrument is played with virtuosity.

For example, a successful guitar virtuoso can easily fill thousands of concert halls alone. However, in order to develop musical skills, working with different musicians is as important as solo performances.

Making music together inevitably requires sharing the same time period with other musicians. This is the nature of music. Because one of the most basic elements of music is time and beats. The basis of more than one musician’s ability to perform music together is their unification in musical time called tempo.

Therefore, the interactions you enter during multiple musical studies improve your ability to do collective work. It makes the person a participant in group work or manages the group.

7. Develops Planning and Decision-Making Skills

The guitar, as we mentioned earlier, is an instrument that has both horizontal and vertical operations. Due to the structure of the guitar, a note has more than one place. This allows the note or chords that are sets of notes to be played from different positions.

While deciphering or trying to extract the notes of work, study or song, some of the many options must be eliminated and a decision must be made. Each decision you make will determine how the rest of the work will progress from a technical standpoint.

This will further improve your planning and decision-making skills in every new sight-reading study you do. Based on this, it can be said that guitar studies support the development of planning and decision-making skills in daily or business life.

8. Facilitates Socialization

One of the features of music is that it is a unifying tool in many activities and rituals that people perform together. At the same time, music, which is our universal form of communication, is a valuable phenomenon that allows us to easily socialize with people we do not know and even whose languages we do not know.

You should know that you have an instrument that makes it easier for you to socialize and communicate, especially when it comes to an instrument such as the guitar that has found its place in all music cultures of the world.

9. Increases Self Confidence

As you improve your guitar skills, you will realize that there are situations where you can perform your performances in front of more than one person, whether with family members, close friends, small events, concerts or on social media platforms.

In this case, while displaying musical skills in front of people, he will increase his self-confidence day by day and improve his capacity to express himself in front of the crowd.

Above, we have listed 9 issues that playing the guitar contributes to the individual, of course, the number of these items can be increased.

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